Emerald’s Testimony

I deliberated on sharing my story, realizing it's not just mine; it's a narrative of something much greater than myself. At 29, I'm a recovering heroin and meth addict. I started using meth at 20 and heroin later in my addiction. You name it, I've done it. I went to rehab at 22, initially to appease my family, staying only a few months. I could hold down a job for about a year while using pills, but once I turned back to meth, the job vanished. Transitioning to heroin, I felt like I'd discovered the ultimate drug. I spent months in shelters and motels, doing whatever it took to get high. My oldest child was in foster care, and my youngest was taken by his father. On September 2nd, 2018, I was arrested in Texas, charged with possession of 4 grams of heroin, 1 gram of meth, and 1 gram of marijuana. I spent almost 4 months in jail there.

I'd like to say that's where the change happened, but it didn't. I was court-ordered to rehab and given the chance to go to Recovery Point Ministry in Hot Springs. It changed my life. I promised God one honest try at sobriety, or else I'd go back to getting high. This rehab heavily emphasized church attendance, and I began letting the Lord work in my heart. It wasn't easy! I believed Jesus couldn't love me; I was a terrible person who abandoned her kids for drugs. How could he love me? It didn't happen overnight, but God proved himself to me in countless ways. He remained faithful even when I didn't. He transformed me from the inside out. Life isn't perfect, but neither am I, and that's okay. Today, I don't have to use. I have custody of both my sons, a home, a car, and a job. But for the first time in my life, I have peace. Thank you, Jesus, for loving me when I didn't love you or anyone else. One year and nine months drug-free!

Chelseia’s Testimony

Hello, my name is Chelseia. I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ, and I am celebrating one year of true recovery and one year free from meth addiction. Before RPM, I was a heavy IV meth user. I used so much that I should have had a heart attack. By God's grace, I am even alive to share a little bit of my story with you. My hope is that my story will help the addict who is still struggling by giving them a little strength and hope, and showing them there is a better way of life.

I was homeless because of my meth addiction. My addiction took a toll on me, and my mom didn’t enable my behavior or like seeing me while I was on it. So, I was not allowed to stay with her. During this time, while I was using, I was in chains. I was in deep bondage to meth addiction, and I would not give it up easily. I ended up cold and homeless because of meth. I stayed in a tent, freezing in the cold winter. I remember trying so hard to stay warm. I remember it being so cold that my hands would freeze together, and it was painful. Despite my circumstances, I kept using, trying to fill a void only God could fill with meth.

I was very cold and miserable. I also remember a time when it rained and flooded my tent. That was awful. As my addiction to meth progressed, things got worse. One night, someone I used with decided to spike my stuff with animal tranquilizer and gave me a bad hotshot. I ended up falling to the floor and collapsing. People worked all night and for the next few days to revive me and get me healthy and back to life. After that, I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I wanted to stop but didn’t know how. The people where I was constantly using, and I had one enabler who told me she liked me better high, which didn’t help.

I remember feeling so lost and wanting so badly to live a better life, but addiction is cunning, baffling, and powerful, and I didn’t know how to get out of it. I knew I could not do it alone. I needed help. Jesus was with me every step of the way. I held on to His promises during my dark times. He promised to never leave me or forsake me, and that nothing in all creation would separate me from His love. He was my rainbow in the dark, my little glimmer of hope. I prayed and involved Him in every aspect of my life because He is my best friend. I can come boldly to the cross.


The night before I got arrested, I surrendered to Him, lifted my hands up high in front of everyone in that drug house, and with all my heart asked Him to save me from myself. I told Him that this is not the life I wanted, asked for forgiveness, and called His name to rescue me. I also sang songs of praise to His name. I was on my knees with my hands held high in front of everybody in that house, in complete surrender. The next day, I had made plans to go to Missouri with a guy I barely knew. I prayed and told God that I was planning on leaving to go to Missouri, but if I wasn’t meant to go with this man, please intervene. I again cried out to Him, asking Him to save me from myself.

Me and that guy stopped by Garland County Library to use Wi-Fi, but I got arrested by GCDC instead. God answered my prayer and heard my cry for help. This was His divine intervention for me and a new start for my life. In GCDC, I got right with God again. I was constantly spending time with Him in my recovery Bible. When I went to see the judge, Judge Switzer, she sent me to Recovery Point Ministry, a nine-month program. God's program changed my life, and now I am free. I am grateful for God leaving the 99 to come after me and never giving up on me. RPM, Mrs. Amy, Mrs. Tommie, RPM staff, Judge Switzer, my mom, GCDC, CR, First Baptist Church, and all my recovery circle helped me become the best me I can be.

I am now one year clean from all mind-altering substances and free from bondage due to RPM. Addiction is very cunning, baffling, and powerful, but the God I serve is more powerful than the strong man. I am grateful for Jesus Christ who makes everyone beautiful in His time. Jesus is always on time; His timing is perfect. So if you are struggling, I want to say don’t give up hope. God hears your cries, sees your despair, and cares for you. Don’t stop praying because He will rescue you and change your life in the blink of an eye. There is a better way of life thanks to Christ and Recovery Point Ministry for changing my life. Behold, all things become new. 🙂 I am very grateful. If God can do it for me, He can do it for everyone and anyone. Revelation says we overcome the world by the blood of the Lamb and the power of our testimony. So I hope my story will make a difference in many lives. God bless and have a good day.